Monday, January 17, 2011

Artist Statement.

Capturing nature, colourful objects, animals or insects usually satisfies me with my own photos.

I'm inspired by any sort of photo that makes me think or feel differently about the object or person. My photos are basically all a similar style due to the angles that I tend to use. Out of everything there is to capture a photo of, I prefer almost anything with nature. Seeing sharp details in something simple, seeing textures that you couldn't see without the focus and seeing shades up close all revolve around macro. Macro is the one setting I use in almost any photo.

It's interesting to see photos revolved around movement. I respect photographers that can take an amazing shot of someone or something in movement.

It's not the camera or the equipment that you invest in, but it's the talent and the eyes behind the camera. When someone sees my photos, I don't want them to see the quality or the type of camera that I used. I want them to see what's in the photo and understand why it was taken in the form, angle and lighting that it was.

                                                                                          - Chantelle M Kidd

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