Friday, January 21, 2011

Butterfly Collage

This assignment was about taking a bunch of photos and combining them into one simple picture. Using butterflies, plants or anything in the area involving setting and the turtle.
These were all taken at Wings Of Paradise in December.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Artist Statement.

Capturing nature, colourful objects, animals or insects usually satisfies me with my own photos.

I'm inspired by any sort of photo that makes me think or feel differently about the object or person. My photos are basically all a similar style due to the angles that I tend to use. Out of everything there is to capture a photo of, I prefer almost anything with nature. Seeing sharp details in something simple, seeing textures that you couldn't see without the focus and seeing shades up close all revolve around macro. Macro is the one setting I use in almost any photo.

It's interesting to see photos revolved around movement. I respect photographers that can take an amazing shot of someone or something in movement.

It's not the camera or the equipment that you invest in, but it's the talent and the eyes behind the camera. When someone sees my photos, I don't want them to see the quality or the type of camera that I used. I want them to see what's in the photo and understand why it was taken in the form, angle and lighting that it was.

                                                                                          - Chantelle M Kidd

Friday, January 14, 2011

Journal Entries.

It is important at the end of any artistic endeavour to reflect on the process on a number of levels.  Through the process of the written component of your portfolio, you should be able to discuss the processes you have gone through artistically and technically.  Remember when responding to any photography-related question, it is expected that you use proper terminology and give serious consideration to grammar and sentence structure.

Answer the following questions through the process of reflection on this major endeavour.  Be sure to write in complete sentences, and be specific:

1.      In working with so many different themes for your portfolio, how do you feel you have put together a unified portfolio?
 I feel I've put together a unified portfolio with all different themes. I've used multiple photos from past assignments along with a few new ones/never been used photos. I've used a few that was edited with Adobe Photoshop Elements  7.0.

2.      Which theme in the process of photographing do you feel you were most successful with? Of all the knowledge and the experimentation you have gained and worked with this year, what do you think has helped you achieve your success?
A lot of the work this year I got done without planning. When I see something eyecatching I find an oppertunity to snap a few photos. Usually because I have so many pretaken photos, I use majority for our assignments.

3.      Which theme or style of photography do you feel is your niche? What is it about that style that interests you the most?

Nature is my niche, for sure! When taking photographs I find it way more exciting to take it of nature, animals or dead plants. I believe that leaves are the prettiest as they're dying.

My niche would also  be using macro. I use it almost every time I take a photograph to make sure the real effect is there. 

4.      Which theme in your portfolio did you find most difficult to work with? What do you think you could have done to make this project more successful?
        I found the portrait project to be the most difficult to say into words. I know a lot about myself, I just don't know how to capture it all in a photo. To have made it more sucessful, I could have had a picture of myself playing guitar or doing something that I enjoy doing. I feel it could have described me a lot better.

5.      Do you feel that this portfolio reflects you well as a photographer?  Why or why not?  List at least 3 reasons.

I feel like there is never enough in a portfolio when displaying what you're capable of doing. With everything so far, I feel like it reflects exactly how I would want it to.

I feel like th descriptions could be a lot better and detailed. My titles aren't creative enough and I feel I could impove on that.

All together, my online portfolio has everything that it should have. As a photographer, I could talk a lot more about how I feel about the photos on the blog.

Self Portrait

This photo was planned and taken by myself.
It's a serious pose followed by rule of thirds. Taken with outdoor lighting and edited with saturation and exposure.

I can be goofy and talkative. I can be serious and opiniated. I can be girly and a tomboy. I can be childish and mature. I'm a mix of everything in general. In this photo I'm more serious and girly.

It was taken in the winter season. It would have been better if it showed snow.  With the flower patterned dress and snow in the same photo would have been neat because it describes who I am as a person. A bit of everything.

This photo was edited on Adobe Photoshop Elements 7.0.
It was taken with outdoor lighting in a shady area.
I edited only the shades to purple tones.
The photo begins with rule of thirds on the left side, and then becomes more center with the dried up leaf on the branch.

Suicide Season
This photo was taken with indoor lighting. The shadowing is really dark and unfocussed in the background where as the front is foccused.


This photo was edited on Adobe Photoshop Elements 7.0.
The web in the center of the leaf is a little bit blurry, along with half of the leaf on the right hand side.
I edited the colours to be diferent shades of pink. The lighting was outdoor in daylight.
The background is completely blurry and all diferent tones.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

The lighting for this photo was all natural. The colours stand out in the background with the lighter blue and the green in the top left corner.
The branches are sticking in all different angles and directions. Some almost look knotted.
Some parts seem to have been caught by macro, but most are blurry. It makes the picture look more interesting to me.